Tuesday 25 October 2011

utk peringatan..

You fall for someone once in a while for a reason...it isn't just random...
most of the time, that person, or at least that relationship, teaches something:
to be trusting, to not be trusting, to be loyal, to be caring, to let go, to hold on, to move on, to speak out, to forget, to remember, to heal...or, if you are lucky, to love...
and the things we take from those relationships are part of what makes them all worth while...
so let your heart skip a beat, let a swarm of butterfly's into you stomach, let yourself feel totally and utterly happy, at least for a moment---you will live, you will maybe love, and you will learn.

The truth is, we're all afraid of getting hurt. Some of us just deal with it differently than others.
Some of us convince ourselves we don't care.
Others isolate themselves.
A couple of us push the other person away.
And there are those who hurt others in an attempt to prevent it from happening to them.
But you know what? You've got to take that chance. Because all of us WILL get hurt and all of us will have BEEN hurt at some point in our lives. So what's the point in trying to prevent what we know will happen? Let yourself live. Don't be afraid to be involved.

p/s: you can close your EYES to the things you don't wanna see, BUT you can't close your HEART to the things you don't wanna feel.

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